Tuesday, August 14, 2007

After the Rain

After the rain, the sun will shine. In my life, this proves true time and time again. I used to wonder why situations and circumstances in life had to be so difficult? Why is this happening to me? Why is this so difficult? Why can't I fix the problem? Find the answer?

As my life goes on, I realize it is these difficult and trying times that make me a stronger person. These situations teach me life lessons to help make me the person I am. I learn and grow each and every day.

I also have learned that although I cannot hand pick the situations that are dealt to me, I can control the way I respond throughout. I can choose to fall down and not get up, or I can choose to understand I am going to fall down and that I will get back up.


jaki good said...

erica - this is so true - sometimes hard to accept at the time but looking back, you can see how God was working during the hard time.

so glad you are blogging!!

Sarah said...


We are on the same page. Just now I am realizing that bad things happen to me to make me stronger not b/c God thinks I deserve it for something wrong I have done.

The most important thing to know but the hardest to do is to know that you don't have to always get up by yourself!

T5Guy said...

James 1:2