Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Percentage Complete

I received the results for the business section of the CPA exam. I sat for the exam in January. I passed it! I am still waiting on the results from the Auditing section which I sat for at the same time as the Business section. I have two more sections (Regulation, otherwise known as tax law, and Financial) to sit for sometime this year. Hopefully sooner than later, but I am not rushing :)

I am relieved to hear this news as I left the test thinking, "If I passed that, a miracle has occurred." I really did not feel confident about the Business section of the exam.

I am still studying as much as possible, but right now with Matt in school every evening, Brayden playing basketball, Kyleigh dancing, and a full time job as mother and wife as well as a full time day job, studying is very slow. I will update the blog as I get results.

Thank you to everyone who helps me and supports me. Whether it is my mom who helps with my kids, my husband who understands sooooo much, my kids who frighteningly enough like when I study, my awesome bosses who allow me to put my studies first, or friends who care enough to let me know they support me and give me encouraging words. It all helps keep me focused on my goal. It helps me realize that I can do this. And I am thankful.

Monday, January 28, 2008


I have been studying for my CPA exam. I have had to set some things aside while doing so. Some of the things I chose to sit aside are hobbies such as photography and blogging. And, that is why the blog has been stale, as well as the Flickr site. I miss it a lot and can not wait to begin devoting time to it again!

I am not one to want sympathy from others and so the next thing I say is not aimed at that. However, studying for this exam has been one BIG task. I have loved it and hated it all at the same time. I have learned so much about myself (and my profession) that it is amazing. I am glad I am doing this...

I will keep you all updated as the journey goes on. Thanks to all of you who support me. I could not do this without my awesome husband, understanding kids, devoted mom, sister, and in-laws, and bosses who truly want to see me succeed. Everyday I am amazed at the people I am surrounded by. I am blessed in many ways.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Life Lessons

The Daughter: "Guess what, daddy?"

Daddy: "What?"

The Daughter: "I have a girlfriend at school."

Daddy: "Oh, yeah. What's her name?"

The Daughter: "Meagan."

The Son: "No, no, no. Girls and girls, and boys and boys, they don't go together. You can't like the same. You will go to jail for that."

Daddy: "Son, who told you that you go to jail for that?"

The Son: "My friends...at school, dad. We talk about that stuff."

The Daughter is 4, the Son is 6, and the Dad is 32 (for only a couple more days).