Sunday, March 15, 2009


“He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart.”

I was cleaning the bathroom Friday evening. When cleaning the tub or bathing the dogs, I always remove all the shampoo, conditioner, soap, cups, etc. before beginning. I went to the kitchen to grab the tub cleaner and when I returned to the bathroom this is what I found.

Justice. In the tub.  Waiting for a bath.  He loves baths. He wanted a bath. He loves to swim. He is an amazing swimmer. I really don't even know where to begin about Justice. He slobbers. Alot. He sheds. Alot. He runs through screen doors each chance he gets. He greets us with a shoe in his mouth each time we come home but never chews them. Never has. He sneaks tennis balls into the house and chews the life out of them while watching us and wondering when we are going to "catch him." I love this dog yet I hate to clean up after him. He slobbers. Alot. He sheds. Alot. Oh yeah, I already said that. Nevertheless, I love this dog. He is a daddy's boy and is very loyal as such.

Justice has chronic ear infections. A few weeks ago, Justice got another ear infection. After three days of treatment he did not get better and actually took a turn for the worse. We noticed that he was not eating or drinking and he could no longer hear us. The once high alert dog that stood at attention at the drop of of a pen could no longer hear. I cried. We took Justice to the vet. After several tests, it has been determined that Justice has a "large" heart murmur and his kidneys are indicative of renal failure. The likelihood that he will regain his hearing is very slim. The heart murmur will be the likely cause of his death in what seems to be the not too distant future.

My heart breaks for this news. My children love Justice. Justice has been a part of the family before either child was born. The sad truth is that Justice does not have many days left. It could be tomorrow or it could be a year from now. Not likely longer. I love on him a lot. I still talk to him even though he can't hear me. He has to be monitored closely when off the leash as he cannot hear the command to come back. He loves to run. He loves to chase the tennis ball.

As I type this, I am watching Justice as he lies beside me and looks up at me every once in a while to make sure I haven't left the room. Justice makes me smile and I am glad I had a chance to love Justice. He has brought such great joy to our lives and our children's lives. In some strange way, I will miss cleaning up after him.  Such a good dog.


Sarah said...

I'm glad to see you blogging again. I missed your blogs and really missed talking them over on the chance that we would actually break at work to talk about them.

I shed a tear for you and your dog. I know you love him. The quote is precious and reminds me a lot of my favorite dog Fritz! Everyone has that one favorite dog : )

Jenn Ruggles said...

Oh, I'm so sorry about your dog. I know what it's like to loose a dog you love. Hang in there!

jodi said...

Leo and I identify with your situation so much. Halie, our yellow lab, was such an important part of our family. We couldn't have asked for a more loving dog...she was patient and affectionate and very protective of Kate and Ian when they were babies. We miss her terribly. Leo and I talk often of getting another yellow lab (we wouldn't want any other breed of dog), but Leo says he's almost afraid of getting too attached to another pet. Maybe someday...