From the time my children were born, I taught them to talk. I talked to my kids all the time. I told them everything I was doing even when there was no way they would understand. I would converse with them like they were adults. Those of you that know me, know that I am obsessive with certain things. Well, teaching my children to communicate effectively was and still is one of those things. Brayden was seven months old when he pointed to my ceiling and said, "Light." I can still hear it. It was so precious to me.
Tonight we are sitting at the table eating dinner. Brayden is talking about his day at Pike Lake with church. He says, "Mom, that church van is huge...(He proceeds to draw on the table with his finger, the van, while explaining the seating.) Whoever designed that van knows how to maximize space."
What? The 8 year old knows that a designer of a van "knows how to maximize space." Blows my mind. And at the same time, makes me proud. Mission is being accomplished.