Sunday, September 30, 2007

Happy Birthday to My Dad

October 1, dad would be celebrating his 51st birthday. On June 2, 1999, my dad died from hypopharynx cancer. According to the doctors, they had done all they could. The cancer had been discovered too late. That was their story. Here is mine.

My mom and dad were divorced when I was 2. My dad moved to Columbus for a job. I stayed home with my mom and my sister. I got to see my dad 3-5 times a year. As I grew older, and more active with school activities, I saw him two times a year, once during the summer, and at Christmas. My dad was an alcoholic.

We always enjoyed seeing our dad. It was almost like we entered another world. Another world that we wished we could enter more. Our dad was not perfect. It appeared to us, for the most part, he did not see us because he had something else that preoccupied his time. My dad would call me to say happy birthday, and it would really be my sister's birthday. When it came to my sister and I, my dad was very out of touch.

My junior year of high school, my dad quit drinking. After many, many years being addicted to alcohol, my dad was recovering. We talked to him and got to see him more. It was awesome. Shortly after my senior year of high school, my dad was diagnosed with throat cancer. My dad, my sister, and I spent a lot of time together talking, crying, laughing, trying to make up lost time.

As time went on, it became apparent to us that we were losing our dad. We spent time together, time that I am thankful we spent. Once dad passed on, I buried the pain, I buried the sorrow. I had basically lived my whole life with no dad, so why would this be any different?

A few years later, I had my first son. Overjoyed with motherhood, but soon thereafter overshadowed with questions and pain. How could my dad not participate in my life? Why did he leave us at such a young age? How could he leave his children? This child, that I loved so much, I could never leave. How? Why?

These questions enraged me. I wanted answers. As time moved on, I realized there were no answers for those questions. At least not answers that would satisfy me. I realized that to truly recover from the pain, I had to forgive. I had to be thankful for the time I had, and not angry for the time I didn't have.

It took me several years (and some therapy) but I have forgiven my dad. I miss my dad. I love my dad. He called me Eric-ee. There are times I walk in my house and I smell him. I smell his house, and I feel his presence. Even if only for a moment, I can feel his presence. I love that. Sometimes it is so hard to "feel" the feeling of him. I remember the times, but if I said I can always remember the feeling of him, I would be lying. He would have loved his grandchildren, and they would have loved him.

My faith keeps hope alive that I will see my dad again. Happy Birthday Dad!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

So Much Fun!

What a wonderful weekend! My daughter and I packed our bags and went to visit Brandi and Madi. Brandi and I have been best friends for 12 years. We met during my junior year of high school and have always just "clicked". Brandi, her husband, Bill, and her daughter, Madi, have lived all over the United States. Bill's job encourages relocation every 18-24 months. It doesn't matter how far or near, we always stay in touch, and most importantly, our friendship always remains.

This weekend, Bill was out of town, so it was officially "the girls weekend". Brandi, Madi, Kyleigh, and I spent the whole weekend together. The girls are two weeks apart and they truly love each other. It is amazing to watch them together. Brandi and I laugh because they are so much like "mini-me's".

No matter what the occasion or circumstance, Brandi and I support one another, encourage one another, and love each other. I can call, e-mail, or tell Brandi any of my wildest and crazy thoughts, and she always supports me. This weekend, we laughed so hard we cried. We have also cried so hard together, that we eventually just laugh. I hope Madi and Kyleigh grow to experience the same type of bond that Brandi and I share.

Thank you, Brandi, for such a great weekend, but most of all thank you for an awesome friendship!!!